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3rd person present: engages
1. occupy or attract (someone’s interest or attention).
2. participate or become involved in.
3. causes someone to have a feeling or create an emotion.

So when it comes to marketing we are still surprised that some companies doubt the overall effectiveness of experiential marketing. Experts often refer to experiential marketing as the act of “creating unique face-to-face branded experiences.” Basically creating an opportunity to interact with your brand in person, and giving the recipient an experience they will ideally want to remember, and more importantly talk about and share with friends; basically you want to engage and inspire them. The goal is to gain a lift in brand consideration scores, leading to a greater probability of purchase at decision time!

A recent study has indicated that 65% of brands that use experiential marketing say that it positively correlates with sales and 72% per cent of consumers say they positively view brands that provide great experiences.

At Brandstand, we are always reviewing the marketplace to see what campaigns are running and more importantly what campaigns have been a success. We have selected two very different but both equally engaging and thought-provoking experiential campaigns for you to take a look at.



John West Australia has just become the world’s most sustainable tuna brand by overhauling its supply chain and only sourcing tuna certified by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). To get this message of sustainability across to consumers, John West launched a marketing campaign that gave everyone an experience.

They introduced a new brand called Finnish Tuna in partnership with MSC and WWF. They distributed cans of Finnish Tuna to unsuspecting commuters – only for them to find that, when they opened the cans, there was nothing in them but water and a message, “Imagine a world without fish”. This experience was designed to make consumers think about their choices at supermarket shelves and the impact they can have on the environment.



The #weighthis campaign was a huge success and very refreshing to see a weight loss company not centre their campaign solely on weight loss or diet-centric messaging. It was particularly interesting because none of the participants actually interacted with any product. No one was asked to sample anything and no one was stopped to answer questions. In fact, no-one was really asked to do anything. The only branding that was visible was the hashtag #Weigh This @Lean Cuisine but it certainly worked as they received over 200 million impressions!


So what made the campaign such a success and such an inspiration??

Well, as part of the overall campaign, Lean Cuisine displayed a gallery of ‘scales’ in Grand Central Station and invited women to “weigh-in”.  But this did not mean standing on a set of scales, women were asked to write down how they really wanted to be weighed. So rather than focusing on their weight in kilos the women opted to be measured by things like caring for 200 homeless children or simply being happy every day.

Lean Cuisine had already figured out what message they wanted to get across to their target market but instead of blatantly advertising this they created an interactive experience. One that paid off and certainly made people stop, interact and become inspired.

Next time you have that crazy idea and need someone to help with your experiential campaign to create a bespoke portable display, create a lightweight sampling table or even a selection of vendor trays, give us a call.  We have years of experience doing exactly this, and can certainly help to make your vision come to life.

Call us on 0800 10 99 88 

Did you know?


We work with our sister company in Sydney to deliver truly Trans Tasman campaigns. The combined team will take care of all the production,  project management and logistics in both New Zealand and Australia, ensuring your budget is optimised and your stress levels are reduced! 
