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HELP! A beginner’s guide to in-store sampling

As the foremost supplier of sampling vendor trays and demonstration tables in New Zealand, we want to help you get the most you can from your in-store sampling campaign. There are a few things to consider, so here’s a helpful round-up.


Supermarket sampling is a fantastic way to gain product trial and sales because it happens right at the point of purchase. Sometimes though it’s tricky to target exactly the right kind of people for your brand.

Brand Ambassadors or Sales Generators?

Brand ambassadors have primarily been used for in-store sampling to increase brand awareness and drive sales but are they still important and has their role changed?

product demonstration and sampling stations

Focus on Demo Tables

Demonstration tables, portable counters, promotion stands – what ever you like to call them, Brandstand has a complete range of solutions. We’ve been supplying them to brands and agencies for the past 20 years, and you’ll have seen many examples in supermarkets across the country. Here’s 10 facts about our Demo tables that might surprise you:

5 Sampling/Brand Engagement Trends

So what does the future look like for Brands wanting to engage with their customers?

As one of New Zealand’s foremost providers of brand experience and sampling campaigns, we thought we would take a look.

shopping mall experiential campaigns

Guide to Shopping Mall Activations in New Zealand

Activating a pop-up store, sampling or experiential campaign in a shopping mall is a well proven route to getting your brand in front of a broad range of people. Malls offer almost guaranteed foot-traffic numbers, regardless of the weather. The variety of retailers onsite provide instant redemption of offers or bounce backs for brands wishing to drive awareness, launch products  or sample.

Retail Trends for 2018

Retail trends are continually changing and consumers are always looking for the next ‘big thing’, whether it’s an experience or a product.

Is this the future of retail?

A look at the future of retail here in New Zealand, as we begin shopping again after COVID-19.

Did you know?


We work with our sister company in Sydney to deliver truly Trans Tasman campaigns. The combined team will take care of all the production,  project management and logistics in both New Zealand and Australia, ensuring your budget is optimised and your stress levels are reduced! 
