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Everything you need to know about brand activation?

Brand activation refers to the process of bringing a brand to life and engaging with consumers in a meaningful way. It can involve a variety of tactics, such as experiential marketing, social media campaigns, and promotional events. Brand activation aims to create a strong emotional connection between consumers and a brand, ultimately driving sales and brand loyalty.

Is this the future of retail?

A look at the future of retail here in New Zealand, as we begin shopping again after COVID-19.

Global trends in retail display

There’s probably no other industry that is going through as much evolution right now as retail. Customers are demanding more and more in terms of store layout, payment options in store, customer engagement and staff knowledge.

Exhibition and Display Design

Design is a plan for arranging elements in such a way as best to accomplish a particular purpose

- Charles Eames

Guide to Creating Pop-Up Shops

We have all seen them, you have probably all be in one of them, and you may even have eaten at one of them – pop-up shops and kiosks are ‘popping’ up all over the place and research indicates that consumers love them.

Lipton totally embraces experiential marketing

Experiential marketing has made it’s mark on the industry for a number of years now, and has become an important part of the ‘mix’; we’re even seeing marketing departments employ experiential managers.  As customers demand more interaction (read: entertainment), the need for a memorable experience becomes essential.

How to Optimise Sampling Campaigns

For a long time now, sampling has been an important ingredient in many brands’ launch recipe. It’s still a vital part, but we’re seeing some changes coming in as the strategy evolves.

shopping mall experiential campaigns

Guide to Shopping Mall Activations in New Zealand

Activating a pop-up store, sampling or experiential campaign in a shopping mall is a well proven route to getting your brand in front of a broad range of people. Malls offer almost guaranteed foot-traffic numbers, regardless of the weather. The variety of retailers onsite provide instant redemption of offers or bounce backs for brands wishing to drive awareness, launch products  or sample.

Did you know?


We work with our sister company in Sydney to deliver truly Trans Tasman campaigns. The combined team will take care of all the production,  project management and logistics in both New Zealand and Australia, ensuring your budget is optimised and your stress levels are reduced! 
